Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jump start my...

heart...guess again. My car...nope, give up?? My uterus silly. Funny how it is still the topic of dinner conversations. Last weekend I mentioned my continued love of my RE since he called to congratulate us and see how things were going. My mom asked last week if having Sweetness "jumpstarted" everything so that we wouldn't need to go back if we wanted to have another child. (of course she did not say if we wanted to have another as she is already talking about Sweetness' little brother or sister but that is a story for a whole other post)

Back to my girly parts being discussed over beef stew. I've been going the education route more and more these days and talked about how we had unexplained infertility so there is no reason to think that anything would be different should we decide to have another biological child. Not to mention that the jumpstarting urban legend completely leaves out the fact that men play a role in the whole conception thing too. Me being pregnant did nothing to change Mr H's curly-q sperm. I don't think she really heard me but at least I said my peace. Which, for me, is a big change from last year. My tongue was permanently bleeding from biting it. Hopefully the more I challenge all the myths, they'll start to fall by the wayside. Wishful thinking I know but if a girl can't dream during the holidays...when can she??


Julia said...

Should we give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she was asking to see if that idea she had for a present of paying for your next bunch of cycles might be a good one?
Didn't think so... Sigh...

Delenn said...

Hi, I am a Braces Bunch person, and I thought we could do something nice for JJ. She is not going to be able to travel home for the holidays, because of complications from her pregnancy. I thought that if each of us BBers could send her a piece of our "home" (something small that reminds of your traditions that you do during the holidays) she could have "home" brought to her.

Please pass along to any BBers you know. (I am emailing everyone I can know). Also, try to keep this a secret.

AwkwardMoments said...

Good for you! But sorry it was discussed over dinner ...

sara said...

Hehe! I can't believe jump start and uterus goes together...but you are so right! Isn't it funny how people start asking you about the next child as soon as the first is born?

TeamWinks said...

Ahhh, you have to love the grandmother's need to love even more grandchildren! I swear it's hotwired into them! :-)

docgrumbles said...

Oh, the myths and misinformation!

Good luck with that dream!

Mrs. Gamgee said...

I totally understand those 'trying to make mom understand' conversations. Once not long ago my mom actually told me to stand on my head after sex... Gah!

Anyway, I'm here from Blogger Bingo and I'm using this post as the 'one that made me laugh from 2008'. Discussing one's girly bits over beef stew... love it!