Monday, September 10, 2007

1 day in

I actually managed to make it to the gym for a half hour (I know that's not enough) after a particularly hellacious day at work so I'm pretty proud of myself. And the bag is packed for tomorrow!

We have a friend staying with us tonight that we haven't seen since July so I'm pretty excited. Plus, he's our really handy friend and has 'helped' Mr H. get 3 things crossed off this to-do list. Thank's starting to get dark earlier and we haven't had a hall light in about 5 months!!


dmarie said...

Good for you! Go Meghan! Go Meghan! Go Meghan!

LJ said...

Congrats, the first day is the hardest. I need to ditch the junk food too, I just haven't been able to bite the bullet yet. You'd think that going from a size 4 to a 12 would get me to wake up...