Saturday, October 27, 2007

Random sporting events...

I knew you ladies would be the only ones to cheer on my spotting ;) I'm now anxiously awaiting full on AF. Based on my cramping and general PMS-iness, I'm thinking Monday or Tuesday. But at this point, I know better than to make any timelines.

Had a great weekend up in NY, managed to see some friends I've haven't seen since my birthday. And the drive back down today wasn't half as bad as we thought it would be with all the rain.

Now onto my new biggest problem...the Sox game. Usually I can make it up for a Sat night World Series game but now tomorrow morning I've got to get up really early for some marathon watching. Those of you who didn't know that marathons were a spectator sport have never met my family (and at this point, you might be glad about that) My dad has run marathons for as long as I can remember, all of the neighborhood kids used to make a parade for him after his marathons and triathlons. When we lived up in Mass, the B.oston Marathon started in our hometown. So we'd always go the the start, which was a blast, then head home and race down the Mass Pike and watch from Ke.nnmore Square. In high school, I would jump in and pace my dad the last few miles. And then of course we'd always be at the finish. The M.arine Corp marathon is a spectator's dream. It snakes around the city and there are so many places to watch the runners. I think we'll be able to see my brother and his fiance at 4 different spots along the course. So I've got a big day tomorrow, I can't be up all night watching the game. (oh...this just in, a 6 run 3rd for the Sox, I think I can sleep easy tonight)

Alright, I haven't been able to check in with anyone all weekend, I'll spend tomorrow night with my b.loglines and writing up my book tour questions. Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone!


AwkwardMoments said...

wow what a great family tradition

A'Dell said...

I almost flew into DC for the marathon this year! My friend is running it and I had planned this fabulous weekend of marathon watching and girl time. It's a great weekend in the city! Hope you had fun!

Unknown said...

I certainly hope you watched Sunday!